CS Amit Vohra is a fantastic Faculty for CS exams. He has more than 18 years of experience and has written over 80 books. He's a member of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) and also a law graduate.
CS Amit Vohra really good at teaching subjects like Industrial and Labor Laws, Corporate Law, and General Laws. He helps many big companies with their legal and secretarial matters. He's also a visiting teacher at several important institutes like ICSI, IOCMI, ICAI, and ICWAI.
People all over India really like him, especially for his law online classes.
CS Amit Vohra teaches face-to-face classes at Amit Vohra Classes in Delhi. If you're interested in learning from him, you can order his online video lectures and Pendrive classes from Smart Learning Destination. With his guidance, you'll gain invaluable insights and enjoy the journey towards success in your CS journey.
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