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Prof Vishnu Vijay Classes

Prof Vishnu Vijay Classes

Buy PROF VISHNU VIJAY online video lectures and pendrive classes

(ACCA Affiliate & BSc. (Hons) from Oxford Brookes University, London)
A Passionate Teaching Soul who works with ACCA students across the Globe to help them ace their exams with the right blend of technical and professional knowledge.
Vishnu has varied professional experience working with Big 4s enabling him to blend his knowledge & experiences and bring to life a unique pedagogy to help anyone and everyone master the most difficult concepts seamlessly. He loves to help support students across the globe and has been instrumental in their successes.
(ACCA Affiliate & BSc. (Hons) from Oxford Brookes University, London)
A Passionate Teaching Soul who works with ACCA students across the Globe to help them ace their exams with the right blend of technical and professional knowledge.
Vishnu has varied professional experience of working with Big 4s enabling him to blend his knowledge & experiences and bring to life a unique pedagogy to help anyone and everyone master the most difficult concepts seamlessly. He loves to help support students across the globe and has been instrumental in their successes.

Explore the New Syllabus Course for ACCA:

  1. ACCA Professional For ACCA Advanced Performance Management by Prof Vishnu Vijay
  2. ACCA Professional For ACCA Advanced Performance Management by Prof Vishnu Vijay
  3. ACCA Skill Audit and Assurance by Prof Vishnu Vijay
  4. ACCA Skill Audit and Assurance by Prof Vishnu Vijay
  5. ACCA Skill Performance Management by Prof Vishnu Vijay
  6. ACCA Skill Performance Management by Prof Vishnu Vijay



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